Learn Music Theory.
The Ultimate Music Theory App!

Learn faster with over 7000 expert-designed Music Theory Flashcards at your fingertips!
With amazing features that include audio, this is the most effective music theory learning tool EVER!
The Ultimate Music Theory App has 6 progressive theory subjects to enhance your learning. This customized flashcard repetition algorithm cuts your memorization time dramatically!

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Learn - Challenging and Fun!

Ultimate Music Theory has partnered with Brainscape to create the most efficient "intelligent flashcards" system on the planet!

Amazing Compatibility.

The most Compatible Theory App on the market for all your devices! Use the UMT App on your PC computer, Mac, iPad or iPhone.

For non-Apple devices, the mobile website (powered by Brainscape) allows you to use the app from within your mobile web browser to easily study the flashcards on your Android phone too!

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Unique Learning Features

The Ultimate Music Theory App offers unique learning features - the ONLY App with matching theory workbooks! Each flashcard subject & 12 decks correlate to the matching workbook & 12 lessons!
Ultimate Music Theory Workbooks include: Beginner (Prep 1 & Prep 2,) Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and the all-in-one Complete Music Theory Workbook. A Proven Step-by-Step System to Maximize Learning!

Music Theory Workbooks and Answer Books

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What's Inside

Learn more about what concepts are covered in each deck.


Beginner Music Theory

Beginner Music Theory

12 Decks — 1,325 Cards


Beginners - See, hear and identify notes on the staff, scales, triads and musical terms. Learn notation including note and rest values, Key Signatures, 4/4 Simple Time and more!

1 - Notation, Landmarks and Ledger Lines

2 - Note & Rest Values and Intervals

3 - Simple Time Signatures

4 - Semitones, Whole tones & Accidentals

5 - Major scales - 2 sharps & 2 flats

6 - Natural minor scales - 2 sharps & 2 flats

7 - Key Signatures - 2 sharps & 2 flats

8 - Key Signatures on the Grand Staff

9 - Major Triads - solid and broken

10 - Harmonic minor scales

11 - Melodic minor scales

12 - Analysis and Musical Terms

Beginner Music Theory

Basic Music Theory

12 Decks — 1,329 Cards


Basic - Build knowledge - See, hear and identify notes, intervals, scales, triads and musical terms. Learn notation, the Circle of Fifths, Key Signatures, Simple Time and more!

1 - Music Notation - Notes & Rests

2 - Accidentals - Sharp, Flat & Natural

3 - Semitones, Enharmonic Equivalents, Tones

4 - Circle of Fifths, Major keys & Major scales

5 - Intervals - Perfect, Major and minor

6 - Circle of Fifths, minor keys & minor scales

7 - Triads - Major and minor

8 - Simple Time - Double, Triple and Quadruple

9 - Identifying the Key of a Melody (Maj/min)

10 - Transposition - Up or Down One Octave

11 - Analysis - Musical Compositions

12 - Musical Terms, Definitions and Signs

Beginner Music Theory

Intermediate Music Theory

12 Decks — 1,312 Cards


Intermediate - Learn with confidence - Technical degree names, Circle of Fifths, Simple and Compound Time. Hear the audio and identify intervals, scales, cadences, musical terms and more!

1 - Music Notation, Key Signature & Simple Time

2 - Circle of Fifths, Major and Enharmonic Scales

3 - Double Sharps & Flats and Scales

4 - Technical Degrees & Chromatic Scales

5 - Simple Time and Compound Time

6 - Intervals (Aug & dim) and Inversions

7 - Triads & Inversions - Close & Open Position

8 - Whole Tone, Pentatonic, Octatonic Scales

9 - Rewrite a Melody using a Key Signature

10 - Cadences - Perfect, Plagal and Imperfect

11 - Transposition - Major Key to Major Key

12 - Analysis, Italian Terms and Signs

Beginner Music Theory

Advanced Music Theory

12 Decks — 2,075 Cards


Advanced - The focus of learning music theory is to simplify complex music concepts and show the relativity of these concepts with practical application. Fun, challenging and rewarding!

1 - C Clefs - Alto and Tenor

2 - Scales - Technical Degrees

3 - Scales, Chromatic, Modes, Pentatonic & More

4 - Intervals - Simple, Compound & Inversions

5 - Triads & Inversions (Maj, min, Aug, dim)

6 - Dominant 7th & diminished 7th chords

7 - Cadences - Keyboard Style

8 - Rhythm - Simple, Compound & Hybrid Time

9 - Transposition - minor key to minor key

10 - Scores - Modern Vocal & String Quartet

11 - Analysis - Musical Compositions

12 - Musical Terms, Definitions and Signs

Ear Training Concepts

Ear Training Concepts

12 Decks — 825 Cards


Basic - Listen and identify Intervals, Clap back Rhythms, Melody Directions, chords, modes and more! Learn concepts to identify Key Signatures, scale degrees, music notation and symbols.

1 - Basic - Interval Ear Trainer

2 - Basic - Clap-back Rhythm Ear Trainer

3 - Basic - Melody Direction Ear Trainer

4 - Intermediate - Key Signatures

5 - Intermediate - Scale Degrees and Triads

6 - Intermediate - Closely Related Keys

7 - Advanced - Chord Ear Trainer

8 - Advanced - Music Notation and Symbols

9 - Advanced - The Seven Modes

10 - Advanced - Ultimate Chord Challenge

11 - Advanced - Non-Chord Tones

12 - Advanced - Harmonic Cadences

Beginner Music Theory

Music Trivia

12 Decks — 216 Cards


Music Trivia - Who was the famous composer of the 18th century that kept a parrot that could sing the opening lines of the Austrian Hymn? Learn the answer to this trivia question and more!

1 - Concert Instruments Trivia

2 - World Performance Halls Trivia

3 - Composer History Trivia

4 - Music Periods in History Trivia

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